Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Bat-shit Crazy In Name Only

Via War and Piece
I see that someone has finally figured out what has been holding the Bush administration back all these years.

That "some one" is, of course, the clear-eyed realist and purported part time Iranian intelligence asset Michael Ledeen.

While many of us in the reality-based community just assume that most problems within the Bush administration are caused by the bat-shit crazy things they do and say. Michael points out that there are some members of the administration that are not technically bat-shit crazy and therein lies the problem. The Bush administration is bogged down in a self imposed morass created by its continued tolerance of memberes who are "Bat-shit Crazy In Name Only" (Bat-shit CINOs for short).

"Never mind those annoying RINOs like John McCain and Arlen Spector!", says Michael. "What the Bush administration must do immediately is to purge itself of those last few bastions of sanity that still pollute it's hallow halls."

And by "bastions of sanity" Michael means "People like Donald Rumsfeld."

I'm sure a lot of you made it this far thinking that Michael was just pitching a retread of that tired old "Colin Powell is a traitorous rat bastard" meme. But that is what separates us from Michael. We still labor under old memes and concern ourselves with things like 'idealogical purity' and 'thought crime'. But Michael has transcended the old memes and now he sees the new meme with a clarity that can only be gained when you are standing on the shoulders of giants. From his new post beside some giant's earlobe, Michael is calling the Bush Administration to him. Calling them to transcend idealogical purity, to recognize the limits of Orwellian control, and finally to move past both of these self limiting philosophies and join him in Bat-shit Crazy Nirvana-Land! [Ed. cue inspirational music here.]

Thats right folks: Michael Ledeen is now the Bodisapha for the Bat-shit Crazy.

"But what about Powell?" you ask. "Since the old RINO meme is gone does Powell get a pass?"

Hell no! Just like there's no crying in baseball, there's no room for people like Powell in Bat-shit Crazy Nirvana-Land.

According to Michael:

The proper care of allies is right up near the top of a
secretary of State's mission, and the allies don't give
Colin Powell a passing grade. For that alone, he needs
to go.

Michael goes on to say that Powell "Forgot about Poland!" and that "Countries like France really doesn't feel comfortable talking to a sane guy."

So Powell's got to go. The perfect bat-shit crazy person to bring our allies back into the fold? Zell Miller obviously.

Rice has to go too. "Crazy, but not Bat-shit Crazy!" Says Michael. "Now Wolfowitz, he's f-ing Bat-shit Crazy and would make a perfect NSC adviser."

And what is Rumsfeld's sin? In what way is he still clinging to sanity? Michael is coy on that but, since Michael suggests James Woolsey as a replacement, my guess is that Rumsfeld simply doesn't blame Saddam for enough things that Iraq had nothing to do with.

Side Note: Maybe now that a pundit has finally called for a
Sister Souljah moment from the Bush administration Matt will be happy.

Maybe not.


Blogger Uncle Patrick said...

Welcome to the blogosphere, you nattering nabob of negativism! I look forward to reading more.

9:26 PM  

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