Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Who knew that Jay and Silent Bob Could Afford Abramoff's Rates

Via Sifu Tweety @ The Poorman. Harnessing the mighty powers of the internets as a tool to anonymously call people 'dicks' is now totally illegal!

Speaking personally, we could be in some deep doo-doo since that's ~ 99.99% of what we do around here.

The new statute is part of the "Violence Against Women and Department of Justice Reauthorization Act". Apparently the concern is that the unchecked freedom to call people 'dicks' on the internet will lead impressionable young bloggers down the dark road to girl-ass kicking. And we all know that once you get to girl-ass kicking you're just a hop skip and a twisting double back Salchow away from shit-canning the Department of Justice the next time it comes up for reauthorization.

Time to dust off that old Judas Priest album and get down with your bad self : Rock the vote, power to the people, Dick Cheney is a big fat Richard, sunset the Department of Justice! Sunset that muthu-fucku now!

Dear lord. I think I'm drunk on my anonymity! Someone hide the women befor I pull a Vox-Day

Peace. We out!


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