Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Willian Safire: Broken Hearted Clocker

I think I know why Safire is retiring : He's got a broken heart.

Think about it. Week after week there's Safire thanklessly slingin' neocon crack rock from that cold and lonely desk at the New York Times. No one but Pretty Boy Brooks to back him up should Bruiser Krugman and Lil' Maureen Dowd ever decide to roll by and bust-a-cap. Nothing but a lowly clocker hustling in the cold 24x7.

Then he finds out that the administration has been paying commentators to move oozies out of their cush media gigs while he's been slingin' rock for free! What's a lowly clocker to do like Safire to do. Years of hustling for free while those other bums were getting paid. That's the kind of cold slap in the face that will break a clockers heart.

Poor Safire, you'll be missed. No one ever slung that neocon crack rock like you did.


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