Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Blogging shift

Recently I have been forced to make the following observation:
Irony is clearly dead while sarcasm and sardonic snarkyness are both in ICU.

People keep asking me if I'm "shocked" or "outraged" and I keep having to grab them and shake them until they bleed from the nose. I know that sounds like something I would enjoy doing, but all that shaking tends to aggravate an old shoulder injury of mine.

I'm also getting horse from constantly shouting things like
"Of course I'm not shocked. I was shocked 5 years ago."

"Outraged? Why would I be outraged now. I've been paying attention all along."

as I shake people.

In an attempt to lower my stress level I am going to shift the focus of my blogging to MMA and submission grappling. Regular readers of this blog should find these new topics at least a facinating as listening to me prattle on endlessly about my weird hobbies has always been.

We Out.


Blogger Uncle Patrick said...

Dude, you shake people for any ol' reason. Frankly, I growing tired of being shaked every time I ask you to pass the tecquila.

4:21 PM  

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