Monday, April 18, 2005

Jesus Needs to Back Up...

Well, apparently Bill Frist found Jesus on Friday. Now we here at Grinding Metal Labs have nothing at all against people finding Jesus, Budda, Elvis, or whoever really. We think it's a good thing when people get in touch with their spirituality and we don't blame Bill one bit for finding his through Jesus.

We are, however, a little disappointed with Jesus. Jesus has been in the soul saving business for what? A thousand years? Maybe two thousand? We can't remember the exact number. The point is Jesus has been in the soul saving game for a long time now and it seems a little unethical for him to be taking advantage of his new position as Bill's Lord-n-Savior to pursue what is clearly a personal agenda against the senate filibuster rule.

To be perfectly clear, we find Bill Frist to be completely blameless in all this. He is just a man trying to save his soul and can hardly be blamed for trying to keep his Lord-n-Savior happy.

Jesus, on the other hand, needs to back the fuck up. He's a soul saver not a senator. If he has a problem with the senate filibuster rule he should address it the same way any other US citizen has to when they want to change the way out government works: by successfully running for senator in his home state and then becoming majority leader. Only them will Jesus have earned the right to pee on our constitution the way that he is currently trying to do by proxy through poor Dr. Frist.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm starting to fear that all these Jesus freaks are Raving Fuck-Tards. But to quote the Doobie Brothers (a sterling endorsement, to be sure), "Jesus is alright with me". If I was to slip an additional subliminal lyric into their song with that line, it would be: "but his followers are complete and utter idiots"... Speaking of that, Mr Science, I have to congratulate you on adding to the popular vernacular. I had let slip your phrase "Fuck-tard" once in a conversation with a friend, and she was immediately overwhelmed with delight (as in: she almost peed her pants laughing). Since then she has shared that word with her family and our other acquaintences, and apparently it has spread throughout the land. In addition to here in Ohio, there are residents of Iowa, North Carolina, and Kentuky who now use that word. There are even people I don't even know here at work that have uttered it. You've coined a phrase! Bring on more!... Notorious Mjt!

3:46 PM  

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