Friday, March 04, 2005

Raving Fuck-tard Awards : HumidCedar Zero - Tom Delay One Bazillion

Our good friend HumidCedar suggests in the comments that he is "the perfect candidate" for a prestigious Raving Fuck-tard award. We here at Grinding Metal Labs would happily present HumidCedar with a Raving Fuck-tard were it not for the many, many technical violations that stand in his was.

Of all the reasons why we can not, at this time, legitimately award a Raving Fuck-tard to HumidCedar, the most notable is that we have known HumidCedar since we were 10 and we can honestly say that he has never in his life been a "dishonest boil on the backside of the public debate".

Tom Delay (via The Poor Man), on the other hand, receives for one bazillion (that's a one followed by six more zeros than actually exist, for any math illiterates out there) for Raving Fuck-tardssaying this :
"I hope the Supreme Court will finally read the Constitution and see there's no such thing, or no mention, of separation of church and state in the Constitution,"
Please note that we are not giving Mr. Delay all these Raving Fuck-tards because he likes to insist in public that there is no such thing as the first amendment; that's just Tom being Tom after all.

We are giving Mr. Delay a bazillion Raving Fuck-tard awards because Tom Delay telling anyone that they need to educate themselves about the actual workings of our republic is like my dog telling me that I need to learn some more Perl. And that's just to much for anyone to take.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you think that's bad, bop on over to read Deacon's post on the Fuck-tard winning Power Line. At first glance, it seems to me that he's suggesting that the Supreme Court's role as a balance of power in our governmental triumvirate inhibits "laws enacted through the democratic process". I don't be havin' much schoolin' here, boss, but ain't that what it's supposed to be a'doin? Otherwise, suck-ass talking heads like Deacon can leverage their whole "majority-rules, and I influence the majority" power into imposing just about law they want. America - land of the free-as-long-as-you-agree-with-the-majority, and home of the brave-enough-to-stomp-on-people-we-don't-agree-with-cause-they-don't-go-along-with-our-views. I'm starting to think there more diserving candidates for Fuck-tards than there are awards to give out... Mjt!

5:36 PM  

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