As some of you may have heard, I nominated this blog for a prestigious
Koufax award only to have my hopes and dreams cruelly crushed when I was informed that there was no Koufax for "Best New Blog With a Readership of Less Than 6".
So fuck'em. I'm starting my own awards. Today Grinding-Metal Labs is proud to present the first of the its prestigious
Raving Fuck-tard awards.
I'm sure some of you out there are already saying to yourselves:
"Wow! A Raving Fuck-tard. That does sound prestigious. I wounder what I have to do to be considered for such an honor?
Well, it's not as easy as you might think.
First off you need to actually say something so
stupid that it proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that you are a
Raving Fuck-tard. Since there is no shortage of that going around, your outburst of fuck-tardedness also needs to make the judge want to hit you for being a poisonous and dishonest boil on the backside of the public debate.
Since that criteria alone would leave me far to busy handing out idiot awards, you also need to have made your
outburst of stupidity in a major media outlet or in a forum that has been recognized by a
major media outlet as something like ... say
Blog of the Fucking Year.
Now some of you out there are probably already thinking :
"Cool! All I have to do is win Time's Blog of the year award and then call Jimmy Carter a traitor and I can win me a prestigious Raving Fuck-tard award.
But you would be wrong. If the staff here at Grinding-Metal Labs had to give an award to
each and
every one trick pony media player who makes a living calling everyone to the left of Mussolini a "traitorous bastards only slightly less deserving of mercy then the Nazis", then we would simply never have time to do anything else.
So to earn a prestigious
Raving Fuck-tard award you must do more than just vilify librals; you must show a shameless willingness to front for the truly stupid. Needless to say that is just what our first
Raving Fuck-tard award winner Hindrocket has done by posting
The post is about some talk radio show that ask people to comment on that Texas Tech biology prof who has a policy of only writing letters of recommendations for good students, who the prof knows, and who have not
utterly and completely missed the fucking point of their biology education. To put put it as the well meaning prof does :
If you set up an appointment to discuss the writing of a letter of recommendation, I will ask you: "How do you account for the scientific origin of the human species?" If you will not give a scientific answer to this question, then you should not seek my recommendation.
One of the shows guests, Professor Volokh of the Volokh Conspiracy, weighed in with an analysis that was stupid, but not nearly stupid enough for Hindrocket. To quote Hindrocket:
Professor Volokh seemed to assume that someone who doesn't believe in evolution is a harmless crank, who should not on that account be barred from pursuing a career in, say, medicine.
Let me start off by saying that no one believes in a scientific theory and no one disbelieves a scientific theory. You argree or you disagree with theories. You believe at a more basic level. You believe that there is an undetectable, all seeing all, knowing god or you don't. You believe that the world around you can be understood through the rigorous application of the scientific method or you don't. You believe in what there is no ability to test. Where observation is impossible you rely on faith. We can not test the existance of a god any more than we can test that the world we experience is the world that actualy exists. Most of us take it on faith that there is a god and that what we experience is an acurate representation of our enviroment. And that's just fine. What's not fine is acting like you can believe or not believe in a particular scientific theory. That's just crap. Theories, even historic ones like Darwinisum, are constructed based on rigourus observation and test. They have shown a predictive value and have withstood the test of time and may, may minds. You are, of course, free to disagree with any scientific theory you like so long as you have a scientific reason for your disagreement. If, on the other hand, if you have a non-rational reason for disagreeing with a scientific theory, like "the bible says god created the world in six days" then you need to accept the fact that you are not participating in a scientific debate on this subject. Your free to crib from Corenthians and lob the standard "we see through a glass darkly" grenades but, if your going to be honest, that applies to your ideas as much as it does to the ideas you are trying to argue against and you should really just shut the fuck up because everyone who does real science already understands that we all look through tinted lenses.
So Hindrocket is an ass for propagating the "poor poor shat upon people who don't belive in evolution" meme as if such people deserve some sort of rationality hall pass so they can practice in the field of medicine and still expouse an non-rational disagreement with an important theory that impacts their field. Fucker.
Anyhoo, Hindrocket seems to be trying to say that Professor Volokh does not think that people who want to practice medicine (a science) should be penalized for being unable to answer a pretty simple scientific question (the origin of the human species). Had Hindrocket's post stopped right here, I would have considered this stupidity enough to jointly award Hindrocket and Prof Volokh the first ever Raving Fuck-tard award.
Yes, Prof Volokh could have had a Raving Fuck-tard award of his very own, but Hindrocket went on and really uped the ante:
My own view is different. I think that Darwin's theory of macroevolution is plainly wrong, on strictly scientific grounds. So to bar a student from progressing in his career because he refuses to sign on to what is, in my view, a rather obvious fraud, which cannot withstand the mildest scrutiny, is really an outrage. It is no different from the practice in Soviet Russia of promoting only biologists who believed (or pretended to believe) in the theories of Lamarck, who argued that acquired traits could be inherited. But Darwinism is the official religion of the biological (and more generally, the scientific) establishment, and as such is rigorously enforced.
Please note that Hindrocket gives absolutly no evidence to support his "Darwin's theory of macroevolution is plainly wrong, on strictly scientific grounds" statement. He just says that's what he thinks. If I were being a stickler for details I would say that in real science, people who show up without thier bibliography and a compelling data set are generaly eaten alive. But according to Hindrocket, theres no such thing as real science any more since the scientist are busy promoting the new religion of Darwinisum. With all the scientist busy lighting candles and trying on their new robes,
wing-nut bloggers with no scientific credentials have had to step in and start handling the science. If I'm reading Hindrocket correctly, the new wing-nut science has streamed-line the scientific method down to "I said it on my blog so its true!" which should make all the people over at the
Discovery Institute happy.
Let me just stop here for a minuet and say "I am so fucking annoyed." But this isn't about me, it's about recognising Hindrocket as the raving fuck-tard he is, so back to the show...
So the next logical question for Hindrocket is :
"why are all these scientist and other commie types promoting the new religion of Darwinism? What do they hope to gain?"
Hindrocket is happy to tell us that :
...discrimination against Christians, observant Jews and conservatives is much more prevalent in our society than race or sex discrimination...
Yes folks that's right, the scientist are all busy being The Man. And what does The Man do? The Man keeps the brothers down! By "brothers" Hindrocket mean Christians, observant Jews, and wing-nuts with law degrees. Apparently you can't sing the blues until you're a been a wing-nut lawyer with a lilly white ass who's written for the The National Review like Hindrocket has.
So what's a brother like Hindrocket got to do when he can't take The Man keeping him down anymore? We all know there's only one thing a brother can do in that situation : rise up and smash the machine!
But how do you smash a Juggernaut like Darwinism? By quoting Popper of course :
Karl Popper argued long ago that Darwin's theory of evolution was never a matter of science; it was always about faith.
Oh. Wait, that's not actually a quote. Is it? Well I'm sure Hindrocket would have quoted Popper if Popper had actually said anything like that but since Popper
was such a a-hole, Hindrocket had to go and make something up that sounded good. But that's ok because it's the new wing-nut science and Hindrocket wrote it in the "Blog of the Fucking Year".
So, for misrepresenting science, misrepresenting the hard working men and women who practice science on a daily basis, misrepresenting the scientific communities consensus on Darwinism without any data to back his ass up, lying, playing the victim, blaming liberals, and just being an idiot we proudly present
Hindrocket of
Power Line with the first ever Raving Fuck-tard award.